Wednesday, 13 June 2018


It is dark blue
But pitch black down here
I can see you
I can feel you
But I miss you
The night is cold
But you are not
For you always have been

I see silver moonlight 
In your eyes
You are now just glass
Waiting for someone 
To push you over
So you can break apart. 

And once again I join you
And join you
To see what it’s like
To be so close to a certain end
Knowing this isn’t it
For the one you trust 
Is right beside 

But are you?

Tuesday, 5 June 2018


I walked the desert today
No asphalt, no trails
Just hot unforgiving terrain
You cannot lay slow steps
If you do
It will trap you

My skin is burning 
My legs are giving up 
Still I test myself once again
I’ll cross someday 
This place which ate men

There was although 
A muddy patch
I took a step of relief 
Cool cool mud
But I cannot stay
I’m sinking 
I must move

I seek comfort in people 
In the same way
It is a desert indeed
I’ve found quicksand 

Stay or move?
I’ve given up control
I’m sinking. 

Sunday, 3 June 2018


Little do you know 
About what echoes in the seas,
The show of supersonic screams,
About what they perform, about what they dream. 
 Little do you know 
About what rots on the surface,
The little beings that consume his remains,
His bony hand up high, his head in the ground,
Holding a faded family photograph,
This corpse, their stage, 

Come all fishes and surround.